Sunday, January 27, 2008

The countdown has officially started

Hey yall,

As I promised to keep you updated over my whereabouts so this is a good spot to start. If you take a look a little further down the page you will see route that I will be chiseling about on. Once the trip starts then I am planning on posting pictures for everyone to do the travel with me. Hey if you feel like it post a comment with some fun stuff, hopefully I will be able to read it along the way !


Hej Allihopa!

Precis som jag lovat sa har ar en blog dar jag kommer att documentera min resa till min nya hemstad. Om du tittar lite langre ner pa sidan sa kan du se routen som jag kommer att hacka mej fram pa. Nar resan val har borjat sa har jag plannerat att satta upp bilder sa aatt ni kan resa med mej. Ifall du kanner for det satt garna dit din kommentar me roliga saker , forhoppningsvis sa kan jag lasa det under min resa :)

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