Thursday, February 14, 2008

Monday --- a haul

We stayed the day/night in Gallup NM. Arrived at the hotel around 3 pm Sunday afternoon and crashed until 6 or so then red rover and golden star had dinner (a can of soup) watched the wickerman (uuh dont like that movie !) and went back to my room at 7pm popped 2 asprin to try to lower my fever and hit the cot for some shut eyes. Slept until 6 am monday morning when we checked with eachother that it would be ok to continue. The head was thumping and the eyes were red and threatning with popping out of my head. Red Rover's arm had decided to give him a break.

We jumped in our cars and stepped on it.

As we drove we hit the contintental divide. If you do not know what it is here is a short synopsis. Continental divide aka the great divide is the mountains that separate the watershed. The water on the west side of the divide drains into the pacific ocean and one the east it drains into the atlantic.

The posterior of the New Mexico landscape was absolutly breath taking.

We quickly scurried along over the border to Arizona. In landscape here did indeed remind alot of the New Mexico Landscape but still vastly different. It is hard to explain but I have pictures that I will upload once I find the transfer cable since my computer does not take the memory card that my camera uses.

Eventually we also hit the Califonia border and drove straight through the desert. It was a hot 80 degrees and I realized that there is something wrong with my AC. Oh well or maybe it was just my fever that was making it feel so hot ? After a short 8 hr drive we landed in Bakersfield CA.

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