Saturday, April 26, 2008

The travels of the nobel steed

The horse is here safe and sound and I could not be greatful to Misty, Randy and Joe of Grand Champion Horse Transport for taking so great care of my 'greatest' asset ... my horse.
If you have any transporting needs please do not hesitate to contact them! Pumba has bounced back from the long travel very well and I contribute this to the great care he got during en-route.
Thank you !

Finally after 2 month longer than anticipated I finally straightened out Pumbas transport situation and hired Grand Champion Horse transport. Here are some pictures/videos of his travels:

Approaching the trailer :)

Walks right on like he hasn't ever done anything else in his life.....

Preparing for take off......

Please make sure that safety belts are fastened securely and luggage stored safetly under the seat....

The Grand arrival to Enumclaw Finally!
My friends down in Ga told me that when they loaded Pumba that it was a really big trailer that he was shipped on... I guess I didn't quite comprehend HOW big the trailer was.... :)

Getting of the trailer was no match... barely had time to say hello because he saw the grass and we know that Pumba has his priorites straight...

Ok after being on the trailer for a long while he started off just walking around but as he started to "wake up" he built more steam ....

After a short while he settled down and gave his finally approval....

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