Friday, February 15, 2008

Tuesday the mad dash ... continued

Around 8 pm on Tuesday night I hit Portland.... AWE what a beautiful town, hey I want to go back there ! I tried to take some pictures but hasnt had a chance to review them to see if they turned out to be anything at all.
Direct when I passed the Portland city kernel I drove straight into Washington State. The state line seems to go literally directly after portland. Was a little surprised about that. Pushed the pedal to the metal and drove the rest of the 200 something miles. Clocked into Seattle at 11 pm on Tuesday 2/12 after 14:33 minutes behind the steering wheel and 1051 miles passed under the tires of the golden star.



luvboxing said...

Congrats Annelise!!! It is so refreshing to see someone take a chance in life and really go after what they want. I wish you well on the west coast and in your new life....I look forward to seeing the pictures that you will post. Of course, you will have to use MAN software to up load the pics.

ALS said...

ha ha you are awesome lovboxing ! Thank you for your encouraging words it really warms. As I said before, if you and your family get a 'wild hair' ahhh love that expression, then I would love for you to stay with me!

I am getting ready to upload the pictures shortly now when I have found the cable to the wonderful camera that my work buddies gave me !!!

and I will be using WOMAN software for the upload of the pictures together with a WOMAN browser 'mozilla' ;)

ha ha

Darthy Vader the commander of the Golden Star !

Unknown said...

I'm so glad you made it in one piece! My brother lives in Portland, OR... maybe one of these days I'll swing up there to visit him and we can get together, too! How is Pumba doing!?

Anonymous said...

Hi Annelise,

Finally I got a chance to check out your story about the trip. Job well done!
I hope you like your new home and Pumba is doing well.
Are you boarding him at Craig's place?
When you moved west I went to sunny Florida for a few days to pick up an award my company won.
Luckily its getting warmer in GA now.
Let us know how everything is for you. Good luck and hope to see you one day in Seattle.