Friday, February 08, 2008

woot woot

Reached Nashville tennesee !! If you have never been through tennesee you should try it, it is absolutely beautiful !

We packed v's truck and my car last night and thought that there were alot of space left but this morning when I finished up packing the rest of my room it sure took up all the avail space. Sitting at whole food stealing some wifi for a sec before hitting the road again. Hope to be able to upload some pictures tonight !

Woot !


mamma said...

Halloi Lillnuss. Så kul, att första resedagen gick bra. Ja, att Nashville och Tennesee är vackert kan jag tro. Hälsa Elvis! Fick Du in allt från Ditt rum i Era bilar? Suveränt! Hoppas, att Ni fått sova bra, så att den här dagen oxå blir lyckad. Tänker på Er hela tiden.
Kram till Er båda. Mamman

Hello. It feels good that the first day on Your travelling passed as You wished. Nashville and Tennesee is a special place, I understand. Say hey to Elvis!
So You got everything from Your room with You.?Fantastic! I hoped that You had good dreams tonight, and that this day will be a good day. I am thinking on You every time. Hug to both of You mamman

mamma said...

Vad är woot?

Unknown said...

Annelise !! It's so weird to think I'm not going to be seeing you and Pumba again. :( I confess, I actually cried a little when I was putting Pumba up, and I gave him a treat and said goodbye.

I'll be following your updates and hopefully I'll see stuff about Pumba's travels as well.

Good journey to both of you, I'll miss you two!

ALS said...

Mamma, jag satter in hela definitionen pa woot har och oversatter den senare, men det betyder ungefar hurra ! det ar en term man sajer nar man ar glad :)

pok, lillnuss

: Woot originated as a hacker term for root (or administrative) access to a computer. However, with the term as coincides with the gamer term, "w00t".

"w00t" was originally an trunicated expression common among players of Dungeons and Dragons tabletop role-playing game for "Wow, loot!" Thus the term passed into the net-culture where it thrived in video game communities and lost its original meaning and is used simply as a term of excitement.