Friday, February 08, 2008

Ready, Steady, Go

Eagerly awaiting the morning :)


Vantar med spanning pa morgonen :)


mamma said...

Hejsan Gumsigumskumman
Hoppas, att Du fått sova ordentligt i natt, så att Du orkar köra säkert. Var rädd om Dej och Lycka till.
Lycka till till Vince också. Vi hörs på telefon.
Hoppas, att stormen bedarrar innan Ni kommer dit.
PoK mamman

Wendy said...
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Wendy said...

Well, you just left shortly ago and we're already missing you! Safe travels to you both. (not that you don't already know this, but: It may be helpful to check weather and traffic each morning before you take off!) Oh, and you may have to translate some of the comments! HI MAMMA!! :)

mamma said...

Hi Wendy! Yes, i miss You and Lectra so much. I enjoy me yet for the time we spend together 2007. I hope I soon can have You here in Vilhelmina for a time. You are always welcome! If You come up to Seattle, when I am visiting Annelise, we can have hiphop lessons? I liked that evening very much, and I have the photos and videos! Take care of yourselves and Biggest hug to You and Lectra. Mamman